Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Books - Final

If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are rotten, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin[i]

Whether you read them or not, books provide longevity to knowledge that no other media can. In this day and age almost anything can be fabricated, and the legitimacy of such things is always under absolute scrutiny. A book, however, has been under such scrutiny for centuries and has gained a technique for providing reliability in if not its state of fact, then in the value of its word.
            People look more closely at facts stated in books than they do anywhere else. They’re not as quick to believe something to read, but they don’t immediately dismiss it. The fact of the matter is, books make people think, and they’ve been doing it for thousands of years.

[i] "Benjamin Franklin." Xplore Inc, 2012. 14 March. 2012.

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